Gwen Scott

Born 1959, Newcastle, New South Wales.

Gwen lives on the Mornington Peninsula In Victoria, Australia and works from her home studio producing original limited edition prints. Gwen’s iconography stems from her interests in classical mythology, the human form, human psychology, animals, human lifecycle, surrealism, gardens & landscapes and the small every-day things that she treasures.

Gwen specialises in the reduction linocut technique, allowing her to play with colour layering and bold graphic lines. Although the technique can be slow and methodical, the element of surprise and the serendipity discoveries of the process fascinate and sustain her interest.

As a traditional printmaker, all her prints are created by hand, from the drawing stage, the carving and then the printing. She uses one linoleum block and can spend up to twelve weeks producing a ten to twelve-colour print edition.

Gwen has received many accolades, such as the 2018 InkMasters Printmaking Merit Award and the 2016 & 2021 Print Council of Australia Commissioned Print Award. Her work is represented in over twenty Australian public collections, including the National Gallery of Australia, and she has exhibited widely both in Australia and overseas, including the 2018 International Printmaking Biennial in Douro, Portugal.